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                             Dance calender for March. 2025 

        Sat March 1 * Wednesdays  5-12-19-26 
     Great crowds.  Were you the only one missing? 

 The dances are going great in the new location. ( 5 Commerce Rd.mwell CT  Cromwell CT


Month  Beginner 7:00 pm   Intermediate/Advanced 7:45 pm  Instructor

January  Waltz  Rumba  Joe Belanger

February  Salsa  Waltz  Karolina Ledogar

March  Tango  Salsa  Frank Rende

April  Country 2 step Tango  Joe Belanger

May  East Coast Swing  Country 2 step  Karolina Ledogar

June  Cha Cha  East Coast Swing Frank Rende

July  Foxtrot  Cha Cha  Joe Belanger

August  West Coast Swing Samba Frank Rende

October  Bachata  West Coast Swing  Joe Belanger

November  Hustle Bachata  Karolina Ledogar

December Rumba Hustle Frank Rende

Any Questions Call Ron:  860-989-1062 

Ukrainian American Cultural Center 5 Commerce Dr. Cromwell CT  06416.

Lessons start at 7:00 pm. to 8:40 pm.  Dancing to 11:00 pm.  
Friday Admission still only at $15.00
Saturday Admission still only at $20.00 No Lessons on Saturday
 Dancing 7:00 pm. to 11:00 pm. or ?????


The beautiful Ukrainian Hall in Cromwell, CT. This new venue has a fantastic

floating wood floor and is located on 5 commerce  Rd on the corner of

Cromwell Avenue (Route 3) in Cronwell on the Rockyhill town line.

Lessons will run from 7:00 to 8:30 with dancing after the lessons until11:00 pm.

The admission price is still the same at $15.00 per person. 



We also have a dance there every first Saturday night of the month.

No lessons on Saturday.  Dancing from 7 pm to  11pm or later???

Admnission $20.00 per person you my bring anything you would

like to eat or drink



Any Questions Call  Ron at (860-989-1062)






After 38 years of dancing and lessons at the

Ukrainian Hall in Hartford, located at 931 Wethersfield Avenue,

we are saying farewell to what we considered our second home.  

 Wednesday, July 24th was our last event at that location. 

Info: 860-989-1062 - Web site: ourdances.com





Great dancers, great music. 

 . along with a mixer, line dances and another great lesson


 We will No longer be at the Ukrainian Hall in
Hartford every Wednesday 



             Web Site: ourdances.com 
              nfo. call:   860-989-1062

RON, LEE, & Christa

Website:  ourdances.com - Email: rcote@ntplx.net

 Info: Call 860-989-1062  

 We have tried to keep the admission prices ($10.00 for the Wednesday Danc&

$15.00 for the Saturday Dance) but due to the lower attendance

(due to Covid and having to wear masks) and the rising cost of the hall

we must now have to raise the admission prices of both dancrs,

The last time we raised the Wednesday price was 1989,

and the Saturday dance in 1997.

It is with deep regret that in order to keep the dances going

we must make this increase of $5.00.  

the Wednesday dance will be $15.00

and the Saturday dance will be $20.00’

Hopefully with a slight increase in attendance, a removal of the mask mandate,

and this slight increase in admission, we will be able to

keep these dances going for another long time.

Lee, Christa and myself look forward to be dancing

with you at the Ukrainian Hall for years to come.



Remember allways

You never stop dancing because you get old.y

ou get old because you stop dancing.

Stay young 















Todays Date & Time

Click Here to see Video of Wednesday Eve. Beginner Class


Beginner Class Wednesday Evenings


Clich this line to see a sample #1 of the Wesnesday Night Dance Lesson Classes

Clich this line to see a sample #2 of the Wednesday Night Dance Lesson Classes

Clich this line to see a sample #3 of the Wednesday Night Dance Lesson Classes

Clich this line to see a sample #4 of the Wednesday Night Dance Lesson Classes



Westwoods Ballroom West Haven

This site  The Web 



INFO:  Phone:    860.56DANCE (860.563.2623)
           E:mail      CTDANCESPORT@COX.NET
              Or         RCOTE@NTPLX.NET


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